Deep satisfaction and connection

Intimacy Education for a modern woman like you to create a life that turns you on.

Woman of color wearing green underwear

What i dream of

A world not of shame, fear and guilt - but of pleasure, power and play.

I envision a world in which every woman can explore, celebrate and honor her body and we all can experience deep healing, liberation and aliveness. I dream of a world not of shame, fear and guilt - but of pleasure, power and play.

It is time to get out of our heads and come into our bodies.

Saying YES to a life that turns you on!

But first: Let me introduce myself.

I am Pina Babič.

Creatrix of She Yin Yoga Teacher training, intimacy mentor and de-armouring bodyworker.

I love to move, touch and sigh. My laughter is contagious. Pleasure is my superpower.

I’m delighted you’re here and happy to be in deep service to your pleasure and your intimate freedom.

So how did I end up here? Thanks to my own healing journey as I myself was full of shame, fear and guilt. Disconnected, lost and shut down for a very long time.

I come from a family of artists and literally grew up on a theater stage. Since an early age I travelled around the world and got in contact with many old cultures, different systems and healing modalities.

As beautiful and exciting as my growing up was, our household was also very co-dependent with physical and sexual abuse. I had a long history with eating disorders and was completely disconnected from my body, my femininity and my s*exuality. My relationships were disastrous and toxic. I searched for guidance in spirituality and yoga but my spirituality was not embodied yet.

Pina Babic leaning against tree

And then, something in me changed.

Portrait of Pina Babic looking into the camera

After giving birth to my daughter, something in me changed. I felt an immense primal power in my pelvis and my whole body, a connection with myself and the whole universe. And although afterwards I was facing major challenges, heartbreaks and fears, this experience of giving birth changed and inspired me deeply. I knew in my womb and my p*ussy that I had to choose myself, embrace myself and fully become myself.

I started practicing Taoist tantric arts and using sacred tools that empowered me, inviting me to dive deeper to the core of myself. This allowed me to fully express myself in joy and playfulness, but also to show up with pain and vulnerability and become more authentic. The intimacy I have cultivated with myself ever since has led me to a feeling of freedom and safety in my own body and has created a container where deep healing, growth and self-realization could take place.

I discovered new ways to touch, to breathe and to move through life with deep satisfaction and connection in freedom, pleasure and love.

Through all of this, I knew that I want to share these treasures with as many women as possible.

I knew that the world would change when more of us feel this connection to self.

Too many women feel disconnected from their body, femininity and s*exuality - conditioned to feel ashamed. But here’s the thing: living in a woman’s body is a gift and when you are educated on how to access its power you get to live to your fullest potential.

You CAN have all of this…Say “YES” to yourself.

Find out about my services

Let'S get fun and playful

Little secrets about me

They call me Miss Pleasure.

You can always make me happy with raw chocolate.

At home we communicate in 5 languages: English, German, Slovenian, Italian and... body language.

Pina Babic holding two pineapples

I enjoy singing loud
while on my scooter.

Once per month I love beef tartare - of course organic, happy and grass fed.

I have a cat called Tiger.


Let them do the talking

"I have never had a treatment that went so deep."

I have had different body work treatments in my life but Pina's treatments are one of a kind. I have never had a treatment that went so deep. Pina's warm caring energy makes you feel at home immediately. You feel her wisdom and knowledge being deep rooted within her, she embodies her practice so strongly. Her way of holding space creates the invitation to drop deep down into your own body from the start. Her subtle way of guiding you through the treatment with her female energy and caring consent are amazing. I can warm heartedly recommend everyone to gift themself a treatment with Pina if you are looking for something going beyond the upper surface.

"You want to inhabit your body - put yourself in the hands of Pina"

You don't want to dissociate anymore, you want to inhabit your body- put yourself in the hands of Pina- she is an absolutely mindful and respectful person who guides you and creates a safe space so that your body and your nervous system can integrate the held and unconscious.

"A safe container for such raw and intense emotions."

I am so impressed with how Pina is able to create a safe container for such raw and intense emotions. My session with her was essential for moving old trauma through my body. I felt reborn and can sincerely recommend her work to anyone looking for support with releasing painful emotions lodged deep in the tissues. Thank you, Pina for facilitating my freedom!

"Wirklich jede Frau sollte das einmal erlebt haben."

"Die Arbeit mit Pina war unglaublich. Wirklich jede Frau sollte das einmal erlebt haben. Ich habe mich auf eine neue Art und Weise kennengelernt. Energien, die ich nie zuvor erlebt hatte, wurden freigesetzt. Es war eine tiefe Begegnung mit mir Selbst. Unglaublich, wie wenig wir Frauen uns mit unserer Frau sein beschäftigen… seitdem erforsche und erlebe ich mich viel mehr! Ein absolutes MUSS für jede Frau die sich wirklich kennenlernen möchte und wissen will wer sie wirklich ist."

"She helped me to find my true being."

"The first time I met Pina was in one of her Yin Yoga Classes. I didn’t know what happened exactly, but I felt so alive afterwards. And I felt a deep connection. But Pina is not only an outstanding yoga teacher, she supported me during my tough time last years facing a burnout with depression. With her fine instinct she sensed feelings, blockages and fears before I could even describe them. In her work as a somatic coach and with her dearmouring bodywork she helped me to find my true being. She supported me in connecting to my inner self and to connect with myself as a woman. This also counts for the great She Yin Yoga Teacher Training I did last year. What I feel for Pina is not describable in words. It is a deep deep feeling full of love and gratitude. I’m grateful for her work, for her as a yoga teacher and for her as a woman. Thank you Pina"

"So viel tiefer in meiner ganz eigenen Kraft gelandet."

"Pina hat mich über mehrere Monate im 1:1 begleitet und mir dabei einen absolut wertungsfreien, sicher gehaltenen und vertrauensvollen Rahmen für die Transformation von viel altem Schmerz geschenkt. Ich bin so viel tiefer in meiner ganz eigenen Kraft gelandet, als ich es mir zu Beginn überhaupt hätte vorstellen können. Pina's Art mir dabei immer mit ehrlichem Respekt auf Augenhöhe zu begegnen, intuitiv und professionell zugleich zu arbeiten und dabei stets authentisch sie selbst zu bleiben, hat mich sehr berührt. Danke Pina! Biggest recommendation to work with this woman!”

"Mein Leben hat sich vollständig geändert."

"Ich habe Pina in 2021 während meiner Yogaausbildung kennenlernen dürfen.  Ich habe ein ganzkörperliches Ja für die Zusammenarbeit in mir gespürt. Wir arbeiten nun über einem Jahr zusammen und sie hat mich in den vergangenen Monaten auf allen Ebenen meines Lebens unterstützt. Viele Tränen sind geflossen und ich habe ab und zu das Gefühl, dass sie mich besser kennt als ich mich selbst. Mein Leben hat sich vollständig geändert, ich habe viel über meine Sexualität und meinen sinnlichen Körper gelernt. Liebevoll. Achtsam. Bewusst. Ich kann es einfach nicht in Worte zusammenfassen. Riesengroßes Dankeschön."

"Mein Körper kann jetzt entspannen, loslassen und genießen."

"Als ich Pina kennen gelernt habe, war ich körperlich und psychisch so ziemlich am Boden. Wie so Viele, habe ich meinen Körper, mein Leben lang, als Maschine betrachtet, die gefälligst nach meinen Wünschen zu funktionieren hat. Bis es mich komplett aufgestellt hat. Sich selber hegen und pflegen, ja zu genießen, wie Pina so schön sagt, war für mich mit Faulheit und Schwäche behaftet. Bei Pina habe ich so viel über Selbstfürsorge, Selbstliebe und Genuss gelernt und das Beste ist, nicht nur im Kopf. Pina sorgt in Ihrer Arbeit dafür, dass es auch bei meinem Körper ankommt, dass er sich jetzt entspannen darf, loslassen und genießen darf. Es ist ein Work in Progress, aber Pina ist eine große Stütze dabei, immer wieder den richtigen Weg in Richtung Bliss zu finden. Pina feiert uns Frauen und dafür feiere ich sie!"

"So viel über mich selber gelernt."

"Mithilfe von Pinas umfangreichen Können, intuitivem Spüren, was Frau braucht und vielseitigem Wissen habe ich in den letzten Jahren so viel über mich selber gelernt und noch mehr Facetten an mir entdecken dürfen.Ich schätze sie sehr als Wegbegleiterin, Powerfrau und meine "trusted advisor"."

"A transformational experience."

"Pina’s dearmoring treatment allowed me to reconnect with my inner child and helped me to rejuvenate after a difficult year. It was both a nourishing and transformational experience."

"Left me inspired and energized."

With her intuition, focused listening and body reading, Pina quickly knew which parts of my body needed more love and which exercises would work best for me.Her gentle touch, her ability to make me feel safe and her energy left me inspired and energized.


What if...

getting in touch was just a click away?

Living in a woman’s body is a gift and when you are educated on how to access its power you get to live to your fullest potential.

You CAN have all of this… Say “YES” to yourself.

get in touch
Pina Babic holding a green leaf