Your pleasure journey starts here
Intimacy Education for a modern woman like you to create a life that turns you on.
Imagine a life where you feel safe, alive and connected to your body. To your sensuality, your pleasure and your power. Where you know your desires, boundaries and needs and can express them freely. Imagine you are radiant, inspired and o*gasmic.In your unique, authentic expression. Creating a life that turns you on.
This is where we can go together. OH YES!
But we both know that reality is different right now
Before working with me, a woman usually feels...
x disconnected from her body, sensuality and pleasure
x contracted, turned off, numb, tense or in pain
x lack of liveliness, playfulness and joy in life
x in her head, full of mind f*cks and should’s, not feeling herself
x ashamed of her body, voice, feelings and desires
x afraid she is too much or not enough
x unable to know her boundaries and how “yes” or “no” feels in her body
x not living her pleasure potential
x dissociated and lost
x tired and drained
Feels familiar? It doesn't have to be.

Let'S Change that
Your pleasure journey starts here

Intimacy Mentorship
Three month 1:1 container
You want to embody your most vibrant, juicy, authentic and integrated self. All of your desires. Your power, your pleasure, your play? Your Pleasure Journey starts here.

She Yin Yoga Teacher Training
100h Group Yoga Teacher Training
Nourished by female taoist and tantric elements, this training is designed for women in all stages of life. It will encourage and guide you to step into your full potential with courage and wisdom.

Full Body & Yoni Dearmouring
Two hour 1:1 session
A deep cleanse on every level of your being. Releasing various pains, blockages, and traumas stored in your system, leaving you deeply relaxed, soft, vibrant and alive, open to feelings and inner wisdom.
Also check out the events + retreats that I am hosting.

But first: Let me introduce myself.
I am Pina Babič.
I am a mother, daughter, sister and lover.
I am the creatrix of She Yin Yoga teacher training, intimacy mentor and a De-armouring bodyworker for women, with over 12 years experience in holding groups and 1:1 containers.
I would like to invite you and support you on your journey back home to your body.
To your sensuality. Your pleasure and your power. To open up and play on the fields of infinite possibilities and create a life that turns you on.
My professional life started with acting/voice/dance training and over the years continued with yoga, tao tantric arts, kinesiology, taoistic and de-armouring bodywork, womb shamanism and female pelvic wellness. I keep exploring, learning and diving deeper to walk my talk in authenticity. Being trauma informed with intimacy, consent and somatic education, I have supported hundreds of women like you to live a life that is embodied and rooted in feminine sensuality and pleasure.
May I take your hand?
01 - Three Month 1:1 Container
Intimacy, Embodiment & Pleasure Mentorship
You want to embody your most vibrant, juicy, authentic and integrated self. All of your desires? This is your ticket to your power, pleasure and play.
Your Pleasure Journey starts here: I am inviting you to a 1:1 journey with me in a 3-month safe container.
Areas we could explore include...
- Cultivating self-care for deeper pleasure
- Overcoming libido challenges to feel more open to intimacy
- Connecting with your womb and celebrating your cycles
- Getting strong and clear in your boundaries
- Relating tools for deeper intimacy
- Regulating the Nervous system to support yourself through intense times
- Releasing numbness, bringing more sensitivity into your body
- Unpacking your shame, fear and guilt
- Supporting healing for your wounded inner child
- Embodying practices for sensual aliveness
- Reclaiming your s*exuality as your own (to enjoy alone and/or share with another!)
- Loving your body on a whole other level, no matter what you look like
- Awakening and liberating your breasts and your p*ussy
- Mapping internal Yoni practices to release tension patterns from the pelvis
In our work together you will learn and practice key embodiment skills.
Breathing, Movement, Sensing, Voicing and Touching in Consent.
At the beginning, we will unfold your intentions for the Journey. We nourish the trust that will support you to open up and to relax, being able to share your deepest desires, unspoken secrets and unprocessed pains.
We will commit to the parts in you that are calling to be seen, understood and accepted, so you will feel yourself and show up authentically in your relationships and in your life.
You will be encouraged and honoured to find your voice, your boundaries and your spark.
To hear and speak the language of your body, to cultivate a deep intimate connection with yourself and co-create with others a world that turns you on.
Your body holds so much wisdom. You already have within you everything you need to feel whole, stay connected and thrive.
Claim your Birthright for Pleasure & Expansion.
For you, if you are a women and want to:
- Embody your true nature and wisdom
- Connect with your power and with your softness
- Feel safe and free in your body
- Become confident sharing your desires, needs and boundaries
- Embrace your femininity, sensuality and s*exuality as something sacred and profound
- Find aliveness, passion and spark in your body and in your life
- Learn how to work with your life force energy and discover the secrets of being a woman
- Feel empowered from the inside out
- Release numbness, disconnection, pain and tension from your pelvis and discover your pleasure and multi o*gasmic potential.
In our work together you will learn and practice key embodiment skills.
Breathing, Movement, Sensing, Voicing and Touching in Consent.
At the beginning, we will unfold your intentions for the Journey. We nourish the trust that will support you to open up and to relax, being able to share your deepest desires, unspoken secrets and unprocessed pains.
We will commit to the parts in you that are calling to be seen, understood and accepted, so you will feel yourself and show up authentically in your relationships and in your life.
You will be encouraged and honoured to find your voice, your boundaries and your spark.
To hear and speak the language of your body, to cultivate a deep intimate connection with yourself and co-create with others a world that turns you on.
Your body holds so much wisdom. You already have within you everything you need to feel whole, stay connected and thrive.
Claim your Birthright for Pleasure & Expansion.
5x 1h in the period of 3 months
Sessions are 1 hour long, either live at Herbarium Officinale, Hoher Markt 5, 1010 Wien or online.
Your investment is €850,-.

02 - 100h Group Yoga Teacher Training
She Yin Yoga Teacher Training
with Pina Babic & Alexia Daksha Damini
Februar - April 2023, Wien, Alkemy Soul Studio
Unleash the wild and soft SHE within you, the unapologetically fierce and compassionate SHE within you.
Allow yourself to slow down, dive deep and feel more. Let your breath and your touch nourish and caress you. Let your voice be heard. Embody your SHE. Embody your true self.
This Training is nourished by female taoistic and tantric elements, it is designed for women in all stages of life.
You will get a profound understanding of the female body, organs, meridians, nervous system, breathwork, embodiment.
It will encourage and guide you to step into your full potential with courage and wisdom.
After this training you will feel prepared to integrate Yin Yoga in your own practice, teaching and life itself.
This training is led in German and is open for Yoga students, Yoga teachers, Bodyworkers, Therapists and all Women interested in healing processes of the female body, mind and soul.
She Yin Yoga Training includes:
1. Yin Yoga History & Principles
- From Taoist Yoga to Yin Yoga - history of Yin Yoga
- Yin & Yang
- Principles of Yin Yoga
- Benefits & Influences of a Yin Yoga Praxis
- Practice to be: From Doing to Being
- How to implement Yin Yoga in daily life
2. Anatomy for Yin Yoga
- The most important joints in a body
- Ligaments, tendons, fascia system
- the Vagus Nerve & the Nervous System
- Polyvagal theory
- Pelvis - Anatomy of Pleasure
- Acupressure points
- Subtle Anatomy
- Injuries, limitations, modifications
3. The Art of teaching Yin
- Yin Yoga poses from anatomic, energetic, emotional, mental and therapeutic view and application
- Empowered Teacher being an authentic teacher
- Ethics - respectful relating with your students
- Consent
- Class structuring
- Using Props - how to guide, support, encourage
- Your own presence as a tool for sustainable transformation
- Music in Yin Yoga
- Modifications for all bodies in all phases
4. She Wisdom for A Woman
- Womb Wisdom
- Energy Medicine for Women: Self massage techniques and rituals
- Voice and Connection to Pelvis
- Female Cycle & Hormon system
- Women Circle
5. Meridians & Energy Medicine
- Practical knowledge of Meridians and how to use them in a Yin Yoga class
- Organs & 5 Elements in Taoism
- Mudras
- Pranayama and moving of energy
6. Meditation & Healing
- Meditation and Finding Stillness
- Healing Sound & Chants
- Meditation & Inner world journeys
- Surrender & Self Love: Embodying the Yin qualities
- The path or radical acceptance
For more info visit:
This training is led in German and is open for Yoga students, Yoga teachers, Bodyworkers, Therapists and all Women interested in healing processes of the female body, mind and soul.
03 - Two Hour 1:1 Session
Full body and Yoni De-armouring
De-armouring is a way of releasing blockages, stuck energy, undigested emotions and tensions from the body - also known as armour which inhibits you from being your true self and experiencing deeper pleasure and more aliveness.
Let's liberate you from your armour and set you free.
The term De-armouring comes from the body-based psychotherapy of Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s. However the practice of De-armouring can be found in shamanic traditions of many cultures and is as old as wisdom itself.
Reich described armour as the way the body holds tension and pain, when something has been experienced that activated the nervous system in a way that was not processed.
Body De-armouring includes the whole body and can be done externally, on the outside of the body and internally, on the parts of the body that can be entered: the vagina, the anus and the throat.
Yoni is a Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to literally mean the "womb" - the "source" - and the female reproductive organs. It also connotes the female sexual organs such as vagina, vulva, uterus and cervix.
It all depends on the client and especially on what the clients body says. Every session is unique and created from the intentions, boundaries and framework set between client and practitioner.
I work with a soft touch method. We are bringing loving attention to areas of tension, numbness and disconnection. Instead of breaking through the armour with force, we invite the body to open up. Always respecting the boundaries of the body. Welcoming parts of you that are rejected to be expressed and integrated in a compassionate and loving way.
A session can consist of many different modalities from: Somatics, Acupressure, Taoist Bodywork, Yoni Mapping, Meridian work, Trigger points, Breath work, Sound, Emotional Releases, Inner Child work, Spiritual or Sexual Awakening.
An external session starts with a massage-like touch, slowly tracking the armour.
Internal and sexual de-armouring usually only takes place after a “regular” session and in good consultation with each client.
De-armouring opens up the energy flow and the connection between mind and body. In this way, blockages and stuck traumas in the tissues of the body can be released.
Usually the deepest traumas, shame, guilt and fear sits in the root of the body - in the sexual area, pelvic floor, hips and buttocks. It is a powerful and life-changing process to go through and so precious to experience.
De-armouring bodywork supports:
- Feeling of aliveness
- Deeper full body and sexual pleasure
- Feeling centered, relaxed and at ease
- Clarity of mind
- Increased orgasmic potential
- Stronger boundaries, more authenticity and an empowered self
- A more subtle sensibility to one’s body, energy and emotions
- Integrated connection of energy centers
- Release tension and blockages - physical, emotional, psychological or energetic
- Feeling home and grounded in the body
- Enhancement of creativity and intuition
- More freedom in the body to do what you want and need in life
- Deep contact with your pelvis and womb
- Time before and after giving birth
- Regulating your cycle and your second spring time (menopause)
The less armour your yoni holds, the more open, youthful, sexy, juicy and vibrant you'll look and feel, and the more sensitive your yoni will feel - opening up to your orgasmic potential.
Good to know:
- Clear your calendar afterwards - you may need some time alone afterwards to elaborate and integrate your new findings
- All emotions are welcome during the session
- Pleasure and orgasms are welcome but climax is not the intention of the session
For all women who want to deepen the intimate connection with themselves and their bodies.
Symptoms of an armoured yoni include:
- Hard tissue along the walls of the yoni
- Small grain-like lumps
- Numbness
- Dryness
- Lack of sensitivity
- Contracted and hard inner muscles
- A hard and overly sensitive or numb cervix
- Pain in everyday life and during love-making
- PMS symptoms
- Lack of libido
- Fertility issues
- Inability to experience orgasms, deep yoni orgasms, or G-spot and full body orgasms
- A need to stimulate your clit hard (as the only way for you to climax).
- Inability to express boundaries and communicate your truth
De-armouring is a self-development process and not a replacement for therapy. Please note that participation is NOT suitable if:
- You have active unresolved severe psychological traumas
- You are in an active state of trauma, psychosis or have nerve-related issues (e.g. epilepsy, fibromyalgia)
- You have other serious psychological or physical illnesses
- You are pregnant
Sessions are 2 hours long and can be in German or English
Your investment for the 2 hours session is €350,-
All Sessions take place at Herbarium Officinale, Hoher Markt 5, 1010 Wien

Got Questions?
Here are the answers
Neither dearmouring, nor somatic coaching has to be naked, you always choose how much you want to keep on and what you want to take off.
Yes, you will always get practical and easy to integrate tools for your every day life.
Yes, I am available also after or in between our session container via email or message.
Yes, we always have a 15 min phone call. Book yours here.
There is nothing to perform and I have no hidden agendas or expectations. Everybody is different, some may need one session, others may need 10 or even more. It is always your journey and I am here to support you and empower you to walk Your Way - you are unique.
All of you is welcome and everything is completely confidential.

What if...
getting in touch was just a click away?
Living in a woman’s body is a gift and when you are educated on how to access its power you get to live to your fullest potential.
You CAN have all of this… Say “YES” to yourself.